Hurricane Beryl: The Perfect Storm for a Mosquito Explosion

The Impact of Hurricane Beryl Hurricane Beryl has shattered records and brought unprecedented challenges. With maximum sustained wind speeds over 160 mph (257 km/h), it became the earliest category five Atlantic hurricane in recorded history. Only Hurricane Emily on July 16, 2005, had reached such intensity this early in the season. Beryl’s immense power highlights […]

Protect Your Home and Family: The Insect Boom and Everguard Repellents

Overview: Human Activities and the Insect Boom From California’s sunny beaches to New York’s bustling streets, the USA is experiencing a surge in mosquito and tick populations. This year’s weather—intense rain events followed by sweltering heat—has created perfect breeding conditions for these pests. As we exhale carbon dioxide and use our phones in the evenings, […]