Protecting People, Pets, & Plants

Ticks and Mosquitoes Toast to Another Successful Year…But We’re Crashing the Party!

As summer winds down, ticks and mosquitoes are throwing themselves a celebratory bash. After all, they’ve had another stellar year of spreading disease! With Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) popping up across New Hampshire, Vermont, New Jersey, and Massachusetts—resulting in one death and five confirmed cases—they’re patting themselves on the back for a job well done. But here’s the twist: their party is about to get busted.

Enter American Deer Proofing, the uninvited guest to the ticks and mosquitoes’ soirée. Armed with our Everguard Tick and Mosquito Repellent, we’re ready to turn their festive season into a full-blown shutdown. Our eco-friendly monthly spray services create a protective barrier around your yard, targeting grass, bushes, trees, and mulch. It’s like a velvet rope for your property, but only the pests get turned away at the door.

And while we’re playing party pooper to these bloodsuckers, let’s not forget their accomplices. Deer and rabbits might look cute, but they’re the VIP guests of the tick party. Our Everguard Deer and Rabbit Repellent not only keeps your plants safe from their munching habits, but also keeps tick-carrying deer at a safe distance. It’s a win-win: a beautiful garden and a lower risk of Lyme disease. Plus, if you’re a pet owner, you can rest easy knowing our products are safe for your four-legged friends—because ticks don’t care if you’re a human, a dog, or a cat, they’re equal-opportunity annoyances.

As we move into fall, the tick and mosquito crew might think they’ve got the upper hand. Cooler weather doesn’t slow them down—they’re ready to keep the party going well into the season. But with American Deer Proofing’s monthly spray services, you can keep your yard off-limits to these unwanted revelers year-round. Whether you choose our Tick and Mosquito Repellent, our Deer and Rabbit Repellent, or both, we’re here to make sure your yard remains a safe, pest-free zone.

Planning an outdoor event or a cozy backyard gathering? No worries, we’ve got your back! We also offer one-time sprays to ensure that your guests don’t become the main course for mosquitoes. Reach out to us to schedule your next treatment or learn more about our services. Together, we’ll crash the tick and mosquito party and reclaim your yard—season after season.

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